Tuna (Dawan) is a very popular sea fish around the world and is abundant in Pakistan. Tuna fish are of varying species such as Yellow Fin Tuna, Skipjack Tuna, Long Tail Tuna, Big Eye Tuna, etc. The most common species of Tuna in Pakistan are Longtail, Albacore, and Skipjack. Tuna is a large fish and mainly used in boneless meat form.
They are comparatively easy to catch and goes in the making of delicious dishes like steaks, salads, burgers, sandwiches, Kababs, etc. Tuna – Dawan fish is a powerhouse of essential nutrients.
Flavor Profile
Tuna is red a meat fish having dark shade meat around the backbone. Tuna is prized for sashimi. They have a moderately pronounced flavor, a high-fat content with marbling near the skin, and a richer flavor than Yellowfin. The texture is firm and “meaty” with large flakes. It is best served as sushi or cooked rare to medium-rare. Over-cooked tuna becomes tasteless.
English Name: Tuna, Long Tail Tuna, Yellowfin Tuna, Skipjack Tuna, Albacore
Local Name: Dawan , Aahoor
Scientific Name: Thunnus tonggol
Tuna is a Sea fish that is found throughout the world’s oceans mainly Atlantic, Pacific, and Southern. Skipjack, yellowfin, and bigeye tunas are found mainly in the tropics, while albacore, like bluefin, are also found in temperate waters.
Catching Method
Tuna is caught using Gillnets.
Back dark blue or black, dorsal, pectoral, and pelvic fins blackish, the tip of second dorsal and anal fins washed with yellow, anal fin silvery, caudal fin blackish, with streaks of yellowish-green.
On average, Tuna size range is 4 kg to 30 kg per fish. However, other sizes are also occasionally available.
Cutting Preferences
Tuna is preferred for boneless Steaks, boneless Cubes, boneless fingers, and mince.
Approx. Cutting Yields
Whole: 100 %
Gutted: 65 %
Headless and Gutted: 70 %
Slices: Not Possible because of large size fish
Boneless: 42 %
Cooking Preferences
Tuna is preferred for Salads, Sushi, Sandwiches, Kababs, and Burger patties.
Health Benefits
Heart friendly
Lowers Blood Pressure
Improves Immune System
Strengthens the bones
Improves Skin and Hair health
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